Monday, July 5, 2010

craft fair fun

I had a booth at the local craft fair in Victor, Id over the weekend with a couple friends, and it was a lot of fun! This also meant that my hubby had the kids all day for three days, as I worked the booth in the morning and at the Hospital at night. Luckily, he is great with them! Thanks, hubby! This was the setup of our booth the first day: We made some changes the following day, and added Audrey's hair bow stand later in the day, but it was similar overall.
{so for my inventory - one month of sewing while working 24 hours a week I managed to make 28 tanks and 24 dresses, 16 taggies, and 6 sets of 2 burp cloths. I already had the quilts done, thank goodness! They are all hidden behind the tutus.}
The highlight for me was when a mom held this dress up to her little girl, and she insisted on leaving with it. She was quite upset I had to snag the tag out of it for the price, but it totally made the weekend for me. I also sold two quilts, so hubby is happy they are out of the back room taking up space. Apparently he thinks there should be a limit on the amount of baby quilts I can hoard while we have no baby... don't tell him, but he does have a good point. I am glad they went to good homes!
This week will be some 'fun' sewing projects I have been dying to get to, and possibly a trip to Utah. We'll see.

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