Wednesday, April 13, 2011

what i wore wednesday {39 weeks}

I am now 39 weeks pregnant... and totally feeling it. Tomorrow this little dude is here! Since I work right up until I have my babies, I have been wearing scrubs to work for the last couple days (okay... yoga pants & t-shirts all morning as I spit-shine my house too, but I'll spare you the picture).
However... What I would love to be wearing is some combination of these clothes:
To accessorize... why not a great bag and a necklace that gives to a charity?
{Necklace, Bag}

Tomorrow, however my attire will look more like this:

with these wonderful accessories
{iv line, compression stockings and breast pads}


  1. You are so cute! I love your accessories for tomorrow ;-)
    What hospital are you going to? I am SOOOO blasted excited for you!!!!! Hooray for little boys!

  2. p.s. that bag is GORGEOUS! I totally want it! AND those shoes too! Seriously, if I had a million dollars.... ahhh wardrobe money!
