I have been working on bags this weekend - first I made these matching 'church bags' for the girls. I will fill them with coloring books and finger puppets... and other quiet toys. Just for Sundays so they will be a special treat. They each got one, although you can see from the arm in the picture they may not be a surprise or even stay hidden until Christmas.

Next, I made bed book bags to hang on the outside of their beds. Bug loves "Ten, Nine, Eight" and it's often missing at bedtime. I am hoping we can just keep it in one spot and have bedtime go a little smoother. These bags are big enough to hold a couple books and made out of a sturdy canvas (again, from our thrift store... $1) and fabric that matches their blankets- I wanted them to be specific to each girl. I used
this 'kidlet' tutorial as a guide, but added two separate straps so I could button them on. I will upgrade from the safety pins.

I love it when in one night of sewing I can make four projects start to finish.
WOW - all 4 bags in one night... you were busy :) they are CUTE and practical - my favorite combination